This exciting new section
of TYLAK.COM is devoted to
my really important opinion
about things.
Quite possibly the dorkiest
thing you can do on the internet is create a webpage like this. But
in fact, I seem to find myself reading other ppl's opinion pages from
time to time (and seeing what an idiot
they are) and think to myself how nice it would be if I could post
my opinions (so someone else could read it and see what an idiot
I am).
I will do my best to avoid
hot-button social and political views (even though I post them in
youtube video comments daily) and focus on more pedestrian
topics. Mainly I'd like to post personal reviews of games and movies
I play or watch.
Working in video game
development means that I make an effort to pay attention to the games
and movies out there. Strangely though,
I am
not what you would consider an early adopter.
The opposite is actually
more accurate. There seems to be just as many interesting movies (and
games to a lesser extent) created before
my time as there are being made currently.
I like to contrast old and new ideas because I think the best ideas
are somewhere inbetween.
Things I have
written about :
Fortress 2
Things I would
like to write about :