/ 2007
12 / 13
/ 07 [15:36] - Waiting for Christmas
The last
two weeks have gone by really fast.
I have
been busy with work and haven't spent as much time as I would have
liked working on my robot game. I have,
however, managed to update a few sections of the site. I fixed a lot
of fomatting errors, so the site should appear more consistent. There
is also some new content to be found.
I posted
the first entry in my opinion section.
Unfortunately I didn't finish the entry, but it gives you an idea
of the types of things I plan on posting.
Also my
main page here is getting too long and I will soon look for a way
to archieve these pages. I was going
to do it monthly... but now I'm thinking yearly. But more than likely
it will be dependent on the amount of posts. This is the 10th
post, and its feeling kinda crowded.
I added
a new video to
the random section.
11 / 27
/ 07 [11:49] - Just a few items
There are
a couple of links I want to post. One is for Ulillillia
City and the other is a download link to Das
Roboss. Someone emailed me to complain there was no Das
Roboss link on tylak.com. I apologize,
I am in the process of rebuilding the site and probably will be for
some time. So here are the links :
Ulillillia City
Das Roboss
The last
thing I wanted to mention was that I've started a new Game
Maker project. There was actually an entire game between now and
my last post. But anyway, the new one is a story based game, which
is a new thing for me. I'm not going into many details now, as hopefully
I'll have a lot more to post later. But in this game you play as a
it look like fun?
You may
notice some font and forma
tting errors
on the site. They were not apparent on the PC I used to create the
site but have since come to my attention. Rest
assured that I am aware of them and will be working to fix
them when I find the time.
9 / 30 / 07 [15:53]
- John Romero's Bitch
I was
going through my stack of old PC games this weekend and came across
Daikatana. There
has been a lot written about this game and it holds a special place
in video game history. Wikipedia
says "The game is known as one of the major
commercial failures of the computer game industry."
for failure : Video games should not be tied to industry egos.
A few
years ago I picked up a copy of Daikatana,
aware of the bad
press. I installed it and played it and didn't think too much
about it. I only completed the first 25% of the game but I didn't
think it was particularly bad. This weekend I reinstalled the game
and I feel the same way.
not a bad game.
Daikatana is
not a bad game might be considered blasphemy
to some people, especially those within the video game industry. But
I try to look at video games on their own merit and outside of the
context of their legacy, or other related drama. To put it bluntly,
Daikatana is an average Quake
generation shooter. There are many things I really like about it and
there are plenty of problems with it. I believe the drama, politics
and marketing of Daikatana are what destroyed it.
let me comment on the bad. Save Gems.
Got that? Save Gems.
that limit saving through a sadistic mechanic such as Save Gems deserve
to be bashed. Even though I found this
implementation to be somewhat engaging, forcing me to learn the levels
and replay sections until I got them right, it is a bad
mechanic. But the saving grace is that
Gems are completely optional.
right, you can turn them off and use a normal save scheme. I was looking
for a cheat or something to bypass the saving restriction when I realized
there was an option called 'Unlimited Saves.'
Turn that on, no problem! I haven't heard that mentioned in any review
or critique of the game.
problem with the game is the sidekick feature. Everyone would have
liked the game better and I'm certain Ion
Storm would have had an easier time making it if this feature
was simply scrapped. In the end it was implemented poorly and should
not have passed QA. In my current game I have been running around
Superfly Johnson for only an hour or so and he has gotten stuck
numerous times, charged forward into battles alone (and died, causing
a game over), run into my line of fire and yelled
In short,
playing with one of Daikatana's sidekicks
is like walking on egg shells. It puts an unwanted burden on the player
at all times. But again I feel ambivalent. There are times when I
am in a bind and Superfly comes to the
rescue. And I also enjoy sharing resources with him. When I find a
cache of pickups I tell Superfly to grab
some Ion Charges and hit the Hosportal
while I pick up the shotgun shells and strap on some new armor.
As for
the features I really like, the first episode is cool. The level design
is such classic old school shooter design. I loved the original Quake
and Quake II even
more. Daikatana is the same type of game.
In fact, I will go as far as to say I like Daikatana more than Quake
I like
the weapons in Daikatana. The Ion
Blaster is over used but a fun weapon. The Shotcycler
is really fun to use. All the weapons are powerful and often risky
depending on the situation. The enemies are plentiful and fun to frag.
does a lot of things right and it's sad to see it ripped for what
I consider mostly external factors.
9 / 26 / 07 [17:40]
- Wednesday
I have been enjoying
the week so far. I have decided to purchase Team
Fortress 2 after being pressured by my coworkers.
I haven't bought it yet but I will by Friday.
Sometimes I feel like
this lion.
I bought
the third season of Six
Feet Under the other day and have been watching two or three episodes
per night. I watched all of the third season during its original run
but there is plenty of stuff I forgot or didn't pick up on the first
I have been listening to a lot of Reggae
music. I have been doing a lot of writing at work and I cannot listen
to BBC or NPR
when I'm writing. Usually I listen to techno
if I'm writing but it has become a little overwhelming, and I'm not
consuming as much caffiene anymore. But Reggae
seems to work, keeps me calmed down and
I'm able to focus.
has a lot of Reggae streams but I listen
mostly to SKY.fm
Roots Reggae as it seems to have a good mix.
9 / 22 / 07 [18:41]
- Try the music player
music section now supports streaming mp3s.
I had to try a few different methods before I found a solution that
worked for me. If you have a momment please check out the Nice
Trylak page and try to listen to a song. Please report any issues
you run into so I can fix them. You may have noticed the TYLAK.COM
header image has been updated and I even added a custom 404
Progress is steady and
things are going pretty well. Working on the site so far has been
a rewarding experience.
I am pretty content.
I have
been playing a lot of San
Andreas lately and enjoying it. According to the game I am 30
hours in and almost 40% complete.
Those are pretty impressive numbers for a game that always seems fresh
and exciting. I had a difficult time taking this screenshot though
because I can't seem to find a key binding and had to use
Print Screen.
9 / 20 / 07 [19:53]
- T Y L A K . C O M v2.0
officially launched the new site!
I was
a little nervous about the switch but everything went smooth. Specifically
I was able to back up the old site on the same server and it can be
viewed just how it was circa 2005. If you're feeling nostalgic take
a peek.
I didn't
add much new to the site as it was hard enough just digging through
all the files I've hastily uploaded in the last five
years. I'm looking forward to the weekend when I'll get a chance
to finish up the major content section. Specifically I am looking
to add a cool music player to the music
section and an archieve of my old projects neatly tucked away in the
game development corner.
tonight though I'm looking forward to watching Dune
which I have never seen before and Phil
was kind enough to let me borrow.
He recommends
the extended version in widescreen,
I might not have enough time to watch the whole thing tonight. I can't
wait until I have the site cleaned up enough that I can post my impressions
in the opinion section after watching.
9 / 19 / 07 [19:09]
- Your Fortress
Fortress 2
has just been released by Valve
and its a pretty big deal. Many Half-Life fans have been waiting eight
years for this. And so far it looks like it was worth it. I haven't
played it yet but I have enjoyed a few over-the-shoulder glimpses
of the game around the office. I probably won't pick it up for a while,
its $30 on Steam at the momment.
it's not the money that is keeping me from getting it. I don't tend
to buy new games unless I'm bored with the ones I have. I
like to beat games, sometimes multiple times over, so I'm less
likely to continue to move on to the next big thing. In fact, last
night I was playing XIII
(which I beat on medium mode a year ago) and some parts of
the game I didn't even remember. I'm also busy playing DoD
: Source and Fortress
Forever on Steam. I recommend both of them.
not likely that I will post anything new on the site during the week
(except for blog posts). I'm hoping to make progress on game
development and music
because I have a lot of content that just needs to be uploaded.
9 / 16 / 07 [17:12]
- Short Sunny Day
always seem like compact days to me. It's because I'm up late on Saturday.
I sleep late on Sunday then have to get to bed early so that I can
wake up in time for work on Monday.
I took
a stroll down to the other side of the train
tracks today. Red Bank is split almost down the middle by a
heavily used North/South rail road. On the East side, where I live,
you can find Monmouth Street, Broad Street and Front Street. There
are lots of bars, shops and restaurants which are kind of touristy.
On the West side you find Shrewsbury Street, which runs parallel to
I've been living in
Red Bank for over a year
it has always struct me how the town is divided. On the West side
things are a little run-down and the neighborhood is mostly hispanic
with some black people. On the East side,
close to the cetner of town, everything is well kept (especially on
Broad Street) and the people are mostly white.
is not an unusual arrangement but it still strikes me to see it so
clearly. There are other phenomena such
as all the Mexican day laborers who stake out Wawa
(convenient store) every morning and the Mexican kitchen workers that
you usually only see when you walk around the back alleys of resturants.
I grew up in central
a rural, mostly white, farming town.
I wouldn't say that I ever whitnessed any real racism growing up.
Partly because there weren't many minorities in my town and partly
because everyone I knew was pretty level-headed, and not racist.
lack of racial diversity makes me extra sensitive to such issues.
The issue facinates me but I try not to let it cloud my judgement,
or the way I treat anyone.
said, I had a good time out and brought my camera along. I was specifically
looking for graffiti (which I mostly
found East of the tracks) but took the opportunity to shoot anything
else of interest.
on the site is going well but I'm not rushing it. I already went out
and bought a six-pack of Sierra Nevada : Pale
Ale so I don't plan on getting anything else done today. I'll
probably just play San Andreas, maybe watch a movie and call it a
9 / 15 / 07 [16:33]
- Lazy Saturday
funny that this is the second update even though the new site is not
yet online. It doesn't really matter though because what you're seeing
is the real purpose of the blog. It's a log.
Just keeping track of things. I have been doing that more and more
recently, so much so that I keep a log of every time I buy gasoline.
So I've
been working on the website today for the last few hours. I've pretty
much finalized the look of things. It's a mix of coordinated color
schemes and chaos.
original TYLAK.COM was created about five years ago when I was in
college. My goal was to really impress anyone who visited, to help
me get a job. Once that was done the site fell out of use. So I am
deliberately not
trying to impress anyone with the new design. I'm just making
something very simple and functional so I can actually use it.
I still
need to figure out how I'm going to achieve the old site. I suppose
I can just leave it in a sub directory and it won't cause any harm.
I'm pretty sure I have plenty of web space.
is still a lot of missing content, but if I get things wrapped up
today I may upload the new site.
9 / 12 / 07 [18:51]
- Making a new website
I haven't
updated TYLAK.COM since 3 / 16 / 05 [21:36]
I've used this website as a tool to find work. That will probably
always be the case to some degree. Recently I have become interested
in expanding the site as an outlet for
some of my other interests. Also I don't like the old site design
things I may introduce with this redesign :
- I never used
to save my posts. I might as well because they're kind of fun for
me to read later.
- Often I want
to share music with people know but I don't keep all the recordings
in one place. I have the entire Nice Trylak album to upload.
- Over the last
few years I've made a number of Gamemaker games I'd like to share.
Some of them are playable and some are just funny to look at.
- This is probably
the dorkiest new feature... but I do spend a considerable amount of
time arguing about what games and movies are worth a crap and it would
be kinda fun to be able to cite myself. I'd like to document some
more obscure titles as well.