Source Forts

The coolest mod for Half-Life 2

In Source Forts players play capture the flag with a catch.... a big one. Instead of manning forts built into the map the player must build their forts during build mode. Using the ever popular gravity gun players pick up large lego-like metal blocks and construct walls, bunkers, towers, and whatever else they can think of.

After one game of SF I was hooked. The gameplay is unique and creative. Players have to be architects and acrobats as well as being good with a gun. Every game is different because the players make the level.

So after the first day of fort building and flag stealing I set to work making some maps of my own. SF mapping poses unique challenges in that you do not want to create too much. An SF map should be a blank canvas in which the players are free to create the level.

So far I've made two maps for Source Forts; sf_fieldtrip and sf_magma. I'm trying to set some standards with these maps because SF is so young it is very pliable.

FieldTrip - sf_fieldtrip.bsp

With FieldTrip I was trying to make a basic "field" map based off the original sf_testmap.bsp made by the creator of Source Forts, Knifa ( Daniel Callander ). The major improvements I made were 1. building a dividing wall that could not be climbed 2. creating a "no-build" zone around the flag to discourage micro-mazes 3. adding music to kick off the fight round. Fieldtrip is nice looking and simple, they way SF maps should be.

Magma - sf_magma_b4.bsp

note : Magma is still in beta stage. Should be finished soon.

Magma is a smaller map than FieldTrip. It is designed to make the players compete in building the tallest forts possible. The dividing wall cuts the map to make it wider than it is deep. Players can build just about as high up as they want always risking a fall down into the fiery lava below. Magma also feature a walk-thru supply room that separates the spawn exit from the flag position. This makes it less likely for an attacking player to face the same enemy multiple times before he grabs the flag. Lastly the placement of the flags forces a capturing player to cross through the center of the map every time he wants to score.